Search Results - therapeutic

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Formyl Peptide Receptor agonists for myocardial infarction
Myocardial infarction (MI or “heart attack”) is a major cause of death and disability worldwide. In patients with MI, the treatment of choice for reducing acute myocardial ischemic injury and limiting MI size is timely and effective myocardial reperfusion using either thombolytic therapy or primary percutaneous coronary intervention. However,...
Published: 11/15/2016   |   Inventor(s): Rebecca Ritchie
Category(s): Cardiovascular disease, Therapeutic, Target
Plasmalogen modulation for atherosclerosis
Atherosclerosis is the single most common cause of cardiovascular disease and is the major contributor to the development of angina, heart attacks, congestive heart failure, peripheral vascular disease and stroke. Despite the introduction of statin based therapy to reduce levels of plasma LDL-cholesterol, the epidemic of cardiovascular disease claims...
Published: 11/15/2016   |   Inventor(s): Peter Meikle
Category(s): Cardiovascular disease, Therapeutic, Target
CD40L-Mac1 binding inhibitor for Inflammation
Atherosclerosis is a chronic, inflammatory disease driven by the continuous emigration of monocytes into the vessel wall. CD40L is an established marker and mediator of chronic inflammatory diseases such as atherosclerosis. While anti-CD40L treatment generated promising results in clinical trials, elevated thrombembolic complications prohibited the...
Published: 3/4/2019   |   Inventor(s): Karlheinz Peter, Denis Wolf, Andreas Zirlik
Category(s): Target, Cardiovascular disease, Therapeutic
New treatment for glucose and weight control
Baker IDI researchers, in collaboration with researchers at the University of Kiel, have synthesised a first-in-class therapy for insulin sensitisation in diabetic patients to address the treatment gap. The biological agent, IC7, underwent preclinical optimisation to achieve a daily, injectable treatment regime for those with T2D who are already faced...
Published: 3/7/2016   |   Inventor(s): Mark Febbraio, Stefan Rose-John
Category(s): Diabetes, Therapeutic
Natriuretic peptides for heart failure
Baker IDI researchers have designed a potent natriuretic peptide that has the potential not only to provide a treatment for HF patients in hospital, but also for stable HF patients after discharge. Natriuretic peptides are normally released by a failing heart to reduce the symptoms of heart failure through multiple actions: increasing blood volume,...
Published: 5/5/2020   |   Inventor(s): Geoffrey Head, Paul Alewood
Category(s): Cardiovascular disease, Therapeutic